Founder And CEO Of Computing Company Nvidia Jensen Huang Has Seen His Net Worth Surge By $14 Billion So Far This Year

If you spend any time at all online these days, you know that the business behind artificial intelligence seems poised for a boom across a variety of different industries. And one of the companies behind the boom is Nvidia, reportedly the most valuable semiconductor company currently listed and headed by Jensen Huang, the company's founder and CEO. He's seen his wealth spike by $14 billion this year so far, thanks largely to the AI boom.

Nvidia recently unveiled new technology that brings AI to video game development, and its chips help power AI search functions on Microsoft Bing. At a recent appearance at the Computex event in Taipei, Reuters quoted Huang on the state of AI:

"There's no question we're in a new computing era. Every single computing era you could do different things that weren't possible before, and artificial intelligence certainly qualifies."

MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Huang went on to talk about how AI powered by his company's tech can make anyone a computer programmer:

"The programming barrier is incredibly low. We have closed the digital divide. Everyone is a programmer now – you just have to say something to the computer. The rate of progress, because it's so easy to use, is the reason why it's growing so fast. This is going to touch literally every single industry."

AI is a controversial subject for obvious reasons, and it remains to be seen whether the utopian visions of businesspeople like Huang will come to pass. But he's had a very good 2023, and his net worth has gone from $24 billion to $38 billion since the beginning of this year.

As tech CEOs go, Huang is a little on the older side. Business Insider points out that at 60, he's leading a tech company at an age when titans like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos had already stepped down from the day-to-day business of their respective companies years earlier. But Huang is showing no such signs, and he even reportedly got a tattoo of his company's logo once its stock price hit $100 per share. Another recent stunt saw Huang using AI to create a pop song about Nvidia.

You'd probably get a tattoo too if your company made you $14 billion richer in a matter of months!

Read more: Founder And CEO Of Computing Company Nvidia Jensen Huang Has Seen His Net Worth Surge By $14 Billion So Far This Year

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